Thursday, August 7, 2008

Always on the go...

Since I haven't posted for a while-I am going to try to do what I did last time and update chronologically.

On Tuesday July 22nd Libby and I made a quick trip to Sioux City. My very good friend Pam's mom passed away on the 18th. So, I made a big batch of chocolate chip cookies and took them to her at the visitation. I also got the chance to visit with a bunch of my old friends. While I was at the visitation, Libby stayed with Uncle Nick, Aunt JJ and Baby Jordyn. Nick said she didn't even notice that I was gone. She had a good time playing with Husker (their dog) and Jordyn.

We stopped to visit Taylor and Caleb before we went home. They had gotten a new puppy-Chloe. She is a cute little fur ball. Libby didn't get worn out enough though, she stayed awake until 10:30-the whole ride home.

Then on Thursday we went on our annual cabins camping trip. MIke had his training/convention for work so he didn't get to go along. This year seemed a little different since we only live about 15-20 minutes away now. The weather was OK this year but the bugs were certainly biting more than I remember. Libby had a good time watching DVD's in the cabin, going swimming one day, and playing with all the dogs that were there. She was a pretty good sleeper too. Unfortunately I did not take one picture this year.

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