Wednesday, August 20, 2008

We're leaving on a jet plane....

Thursday August 14th Libby and I left for Michigan (again). I was very nervous about flying alone with Libby. I got a new movie for her DVD player, some new books and brought her new favorite snack-pretzels. I didn't know how I was going to get though security with all of our electronics, a stroller and a little girl. Luckily when we checked in the airport gave Mike a pass so he could help me though. Mike stayed at the airport for a little while then he had to leave for work. Libby and I had about 45 minutes before we boarded the plane. We watched the planes, Libby ate some grapes, and we strolled around. I made sure we boarded the plane last, I wanted the smallest amount of time on the plane as possible. Libby was PERFECT the entire trip. I didn't even have to get her DVD player out. We sang, read books and ate our snack. She liked looking out the window, seeing the clouds and being "high in the sky". We had about a 25 minute trek from our gate to the baggage claim (because I had the stroller we had to wait for about 4 elevators) and she just sat quietly in her stoller. Our luggage had already been put out by the time I got there. I hope I didn't jinx myself and she is that good on the way home.

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