Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sick Day

My baby is sick. Last night before Libby went to bed it felt like she was running a little fever. Being that she gags when you show her the Tylenol bottle-I decided not to give her any. She woke up at 3:30am (which she doesn't do very often), I changed her diaper and gave her some milk. A little after 4 I heard her coughing and whining. She had vomited milk everywhere. I woke Mike up, he gave her a bath and I changed her sheets. I tried to let her lay with us, then I tried the couch, then finally at 5:30 she fell asleep in her own bed with a sippy cup of water. She was up at 7am. I brought her in our room because I knew she was still tired and Mike was getting up for work. She drifted in and out of sleep until about 7:45. I turned on the TV, gave her some crackers and milk. At 8:15 she vomited again. So Libby had another bath, I piled up more laundry, and we had lots of snuggling on the couch. She seems better now, just a little tired. We ate chicken noodle soup for lunch (but NO milk) and she seems to be holding it far.

In the next couple of days I promise I will post pictures from Libby's birthday party.

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