Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Libby's playroom

Since Libby has gotten so many new toys for Christmas and her birthday, we had to turn our living room into a play area. We didn't really have any furniture to put in there anyhow. She got a new table with 4 chairs from us for her birthday. Her new favorite thing to do 5 or 6 times a day is play "tea party" with her babies. Mimi and Papa gave her a wooden birthday cake that she loves to serve to her babies. Libby is VERY particular about the cups, saucers and spoons matching. I mix them up just to get her to show me she knows how to match colors-she doesn't appreciate that too much.
On another note-we have had a little bout of the sickies at our house. Mike and I haven't been feeling the greatest for about 10 days but are finally starting to feel better. I don't think Libby was feeling like herself either since she was VERY cranky for a few days but is doing much better now. Maybe the terrible twos aren't FULLY upon us yet-only when it comes to getting dressed. It was impossible to take her anywhere last week but today we went to the mall (in pajamas) and she was an angel.

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