Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year

We decided to have a few people over for New Year's Eve since we aren't much for going out. During the morning of New Year's Eve I picked up Austin to come hang out with me and Libby for the day. He played with Libby while I did some cleaning and took a shower. We also played Guitar Hero during Libby's nap. Jacque and Angie got here around 6:30, others started rolling in around 7. There were a bunch of little girls here for Libby to play with. She had a ball! She shared her new toys very well and just kept running until I grabbed her about 10 and put her to bed. She didn't fight me and fell right asleep. We all had a good time just hanging out, eating, and playing games. The party broke up shortly after midnight. I guess we are all getting old and can't stay up that late anymore.
Jacque and Austin hung out with us on New Year's Day. We got a pizza and watched the Nebraska game. I did sneak up to my room to take a shower and watch a couple episodes of the Twilight Zone. This was after the half time/Guitar Hero break.
On Saturday Mike and I went to a Husker's Basketball game. The game was good and the seats were awesome. Unfortunately, the weather was pretty icy. We decided to venture home even though stores, churches, and some roads were closing. We must have been in Lincoln long enough because it wasn't too bad driving home. Libby stayed with Aunt Joyce for the afternoon. She had a good time playing with Kobe and Aunt Joyce.
Sunday Mike and I took down our trees and decorations and did a little organizing in the basement. We have so much to clean up in the basement before we finish it. I am planning on having a big rummage sale in the spring.

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