Monday, May 18, 2009

Libby First Zoo Trip

Since I have been a HUGE slacker on the blogs posts, I am going to get a little out of order. I will fill in the blanks later this week.

On Saturday we took Libby to the Omaha Zoo for the first time. Which is horrible since we have lived here for almost a year now. The weather was windy and cool in the morning but perfect in the afternoon. I think Libby's favorite were the monkeys. One was in trouble and had 3 zoo keepers around. The monkey was running around the cage and yelling. Libby kept saying "monkey makes loud noise" and "monkey is silly".

We spent a little bit of time at the aquarium, which is my favorite. I could stay in there all day and watch the penguins. Libby just stood by the wall and watched the sharks, fish, stingrays and the big turtles. It was getting close to nap time so I think she enjoyed the dark. After the giraffes, we walked around a bit and Libby fell asleep.

We didn't make it to the butterfly exhibit and a few other things so I guess we have a goal for next time. We bought a season pass so I know we will make it there a few more time this spring and fall.

Also, we have no pictures. Mike video taped all day so when we get an edited video I will add it here.

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