Monday, December 22, 2008

Weekend update

Just an update to let you all know that it snowed here finally..I still don't think snow plows exist because I haven't seen any! I have seen trucks with blades plowing out parking lots and such but none on the roads. I am pretty sure the street in front of my house hasn't been plowed either. Luckily we have only gotten a few inches of snow and some freezing rain.

Tuesday was the first of the snow. Libby went to Aunt Joyce's for a couple of hours so I could get a little shopping done and go to the post office. It worked to my advantage to go on a snowy day because there were no lines.

Thursday night we got a storm of freezing rain and snow. I spent over an hour Friday afternoon scooping/chipping ice on the driveway and didn't even get 1/3 of it done. Now it has been too cold to finish. Maybe tomorrow...

Saturday late morning Mike's parents came into town. They wanted to make it before the wind and snow picked up in Sioux City. Austin and Jacque came over and we all just hung around and played games. It was too cold and windy to go anywhere.

Sunday we had the Andersen family (Mike's mom's side) Christmas. Libby had a great time playing with all her cousins and the "new" toys at Rod and Callie's house. She didn't get her usual nap in so she has been super tired. I am hoping she gets rested up by Wednesday when 3 more days of festivities begin!

As I am typing this it has started to snow...again...I'm dreaming of a White Christmas....

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