Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Libby is so smart...

Libby's vocabulary is getting bigger by the day. She is probably up to at least 200 words and about 50 phases/sentences. Libby can count to 5 but rarely does it on demand. I would like to get a video of it-maybe someday. She recognizes a lot of numbers, zero is her favorite. She knows 0-2-5-9 pretty well and she is getting better about 3 and 4. Libby also recognizes a lot of letters, B is her favorite. She also knows A-D-I-P-N-M-O-J-T-L-Y. When we sing the alphabet she says "A,B,B,B".

We went to Hobby Lobby tonight. She looked at the sign and said "Look daddy, B-B-Y". On they way home we drove by Super Savers. She pointed and said "Jacque work". Mike and I looked at each other in awe, we can't believe how smart she is. She recognizes familiar houses also. She knows when we are at Jacque's, TT's (my sister's house) or Mimi's (Mike's parents).

Libby is getting to be a BIG copy cat too. This afternoon, I had some food in my teeth so I put my finger in my mouth to get it out-she did the same thing. Last night, Mike was reading a magazine. He was licking his fingers to turn the page so Libby grabs a magazine and licks her fingers to turn the page! It was so cute. We have to start watching what we are doing around her-she doesn't miss a beat.

1 comment:

Mike and Kris said...

Oh Karrie, aren't they fun! Libby is so sweet! Can't wait till the 21st. It will be so much fun. See you then.