Just an update to let you all know that it snowed here finally..I still don't think snow plows exist because I haven't seen any! I have seen trucks with blades plowing out parking lots and such but none on the roads. I am pretty sure the street in front of my house hasn't been plowed either. Luckily we have only gotten a few inches of snow and some freezing rain.
Tuesday was the first of the snow. Libby went to Aunt Joyce's for a couple of hours so I could get a little shopping done and go to the post office. It worked to my advantage to go on a snowy day because there were no lines.
Thursday night we got a storm of freezing rain and snow. I spent over an hour Friday afternoon scooping/chipping ice on the driveway and didn't even get 1/3 of it done. Now it has been too cold to finish. Maybe tomorrow...
Saturday late morning Mike's parents came into town. They wanted to make it before the wind and snow picked up in Sioux City. Austin and Jacque came over and we all just hung around and played games. It was too cold and windy to go anywhere.
Sunday we had the Andersen family (Mike's mom's side) Christmas. Libby had a great time playing with all her cousins and the "new" toys at Rod and Callie's house. She didn't get her usual nap in so she has been super tired. I am hoping she gets rested up by Wednesday when 3 more days of festivities begin!
As I am typing this it has started to snow...again...I'm dreaming of a White Christmas....
Monday, December 22, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Here are a couple of cute videos of Libby. One is of her singing her version of the "ABC's" and the other is her looking for the neighbors mailbox. They have a Christmas mailbox that lights up and opens and closes. When it gets windy they have to take it inside. Every morning we have to look out the window and see if it is "hiding".
Monday, December 15, 2008
Oh Christmas Tree.....
Here are a few photos of our trees and house. I know the outside picture is pretty light. I need to sneak out when it is a little darker. I also did not turn the flash off my camera when taking pictures of the trees so the lights did not show up. I apologize I am not an expert like my husband.
In the picture of our house is also the picture of ALL the snow we have gotten this year. It might not ever snow in Omaha but it sure is COLD! Today it was 25 below with wind chill. Libby and I stayed in all day and baked cookies for Mike to take to work. These are the days when I enjoy not having a job.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Does it snow in Omaha??
I know the weather is a little warmer here "down South" but does it snow here?? I have seen about 10 flakes so far this year. I am sure that was only because my dad and Cande were here- (it doesn't matter if they come in October, November, March or April-it will snow while they are visiting). I know it has stormed all around us but nothing here. I haven't even had to get out my broom to sweep off the deck or driveway.
Today it was like 40. Tomorrow it is supposed to be 50. I guess that means we can clean out the garage yet this year, in case it decides to snow sometime maybe we can get both cars inside.
Yes, I am bragging to those of you have had tons of snow and sleet already this year!!
Today it was like 40. Tomorrow it is supposed to be 50. I guess that means we can clean out the garage yet this year, in case it decides to snow sometime maybe we can get both cars inside.
Yes, I am bragging to those of you have had tons of snow and sleet already this year!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Libby is so smart...
Libby's vocabulary is getting bigger by the day. She is probably up to at least 200 words and about 50 phases/sentences. Libby can count to 5 but rarely does it on demand. I would like to get a video of it-maybe someday. She recognizes a lot of numbers, zero is her favorite. She knows 0-2-5-9 pretty well and she is getting better about 3 and 4. Libby also recognizes a lot of letters, B is her favorite. She also knows A-D-I-P-N-M-O-J-T-L-Y. When we sing the alphabet she says "A,B,B,B".
We went to Hobby Lobby tonight. She looked at the sign and said "Look daddy, B-B-Y". On they way home we drove by Super Savers. She pointed and said "Jacque work". Mike and I looked at each other in awe, we can't believe how smart she is. She recognizes familiar houses also. She knows when we are at Jacque's, TT's (my sister's house) or Mimi's (Mike's parents).
Libby is getting to be a BIG copy cat too. This afternoon, I had some food in my teeth so I put my finger in my mouth to get it out-she did the same thing. Last night, Mike was reading a magazine. He was licking his fingers to turn the page so Libby grabs a magazine and licks her fingers to turn the page! It was so cute. We have to start watching what we are doing around her-she doesn't miss a beat.
We went to Hobby Lobby tonight. She looked at the sign and said "Look daddy, B-B-Y". On they way home we drove by Super Savers. She pointed and said "Jacque work". Mike and I looked at each other in awe, we can't believe how smart she is. She recognizes familiar houses also. She knows when we are at Jacque's, TT's (my sister's house) or Mimi's (Mike's parents).
Libby is getting to be a BIG copy cat too. This afternoon, I had some food in my teeth so I put my finger in my mouth to get it out-she did the same thing. Last night, Mike was reading a magazine. He was licking his fingers to turn the page so Libby grabs a magazine and licks her fingers to turn the page! It was so cute. We have to start watching what we are doing around her-she doesn't miss a beat.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
newest blog
Check out the new family blog. It is pretty boring right now. We need to add some pictures and a few other posts. The link will on this web page to the left.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Bounce U
On Friday morning we took the kids (Libby, Taylor and Caleb) to Bounce U. It is a big room with about 3 giant inflatables for the kids to jump around and a big slide. We got to go to the "Preschool Playdate" room where all the kids were 6 and under. It took Libby a little while to warm up to everything but I think she had a good time. The slide was the biggest hit with Taylor and Caleb. Libby wouldn't go down by herself so Kim or I had to climb up with her every time. It was certainly a work out climbing up a narrow walk way holding onto a rope and a 25 pound girl. I am sure Libby and I will go again this winter.
Since I didn't get out of bed at 5am to go shopping, Friday afternoon Cande and I went to the mall. By the time we got there the sales were ending but we still got a few things (for ourselves). This means I am way behind on my shopping and need to get started! Maybe next year I will make it out at 4am.
Saturday we all headed to Sioux City for the night. My dad, Cande, Libby and I went out for lunch and did a little more shopping. Kim and the kids came over to the hotel, we went swimming and ordered pizza. We must have all been exhausted because we were all asleep by 9:45pm and slept until 8am. The 7 of us went out for breakfast and then my dad, Cande, Libby and I headed back to Omaha.
My dad and Cande left for home about 4am on Monday. It sure was a quiet day around here with just me and my girl. Libby was pretty cuddly and wanted to sit on my lap most of the morning. I am sure she is still pretty tired from the last 9 days of festivities. Last night she asked to go to bed at 7:45pm and slept until 9am this morning.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Happy Belated Thanksgiving!!
Our Thanksgiving was great!! My Dad and Cande got here on Tuesday about 4pm. I showed them around the new house, we ate dinner and just rested. On Wednesday-we meet up with Mike for lunch and I gave them a little tour of Omaha. We hit a few stores at the mall. We came home around 3pm- had naps and ate again. Wednesday evening Mike, Carolyn, Jacque and Austin came over to hang out. We played Wii and Libby stayed up too late. She was fine since she took a nap until 6:30pm.
Thursday was a big cooking day.
We had 19 people over for Thanksgiving dinner. Everything turned out perfect-except the scalloped corn took a lot longer to cook than expected. There was PLENTY of food so I don't think anyone minded. A few people left during the afternoon but there were still 12 people here for leftovers that night. We all just read the Black Friday ads, played Wii and a few of us played Phase 10. It was probably the shortest Phase 10 game I have ever played.
It was fun to have lots of people hang out all day without anything pressing to do.
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