Friday, December 28, 2007

Lots of Christmas-ing

We have been very busy at our house lately. Libby hasn't been feeling very well. She had a fever off and on Thursday and Friday. We thought she was getting a tooth but no dice this time. Saturday we went to Omaha to spend the night at Jacque and Austin's. We went to a Christmas at Mike's Uncle Rod and Aunt Callie's on Sunday afternoon. We had a good time eating and opening presents. Then Austin came home with us and spent the night. Libby seemed in good spirits all day Saturday and Sunday because I finally got her to take Tylenol a couple of times without spitting it back up. Monday I baked cookies and wrapped presents while Libby took a four hour nap and Austin and Mike played PS3 and Wii. Late in the afternoon on Monday I took Libby over to Taylor and Caleb's to give them their presents, then went to Mike's parents for our traditional Christmas Eve dinner. We played Wii and Libby went to bed around 9pm. She slept off and on until about 3am. After that we were both up the rest of the night. Sleeping in a strange place, not having her own bed, and coughing- Libby did not want to sleep. Libby and I were pretty much up until 7am. Then I got up at 8:30 to open presents. We let Libby sleep until about 10am. She did not show much interest in opening any presents. Needless to say neither Libby nor I enjoyed our Christmas morning very much.

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