Here are a couple of pictures of Libby playing school and at the zoo. I have been printing off worksheets from a couple of school sites so Libby and I can "play" school. She mostly colors but I want to try to work with her on letter sounds, writing and a little more on numbers. Libby recognizes all the letters but doesn't know them in order. She can count to 17 but only recognizes 0-9. She knows all of the basic shapes and colors. I got her to write "L-i -b" the other night and then she quit. She is such a stubborn student-I wonder where she gets that from??
A couple of weeks ago when it was still nice, Libby and I went to the zoo for the afternoon. We ended up staying for 4 hours! She got a free ride on the carousel and we spent a lot of time watching the new baby gorilla and the monkeys. I could spend all day in the aquarium but Libby wasn't having any of that. When we were getting ready to leave we passed a man pretending he was a gorilla next to the gorilla statue. Libby thought it was funny and tried it herself. The guy was still around and was laughing that Libby was copying him! She is so cute! I am hoping the weather gets nice enough to go to the zoo one more time before it snows...again.
We also took Libby on a Ferris wheel ride at Scheel's. She kept begging us to go on it. I didn't think she would really like it once we got on and it got going. Libby did great! She held on really tight and sat really still at first but once it got going she really enjoyed it. Unfortunately we didn't have our camera with us since it was a surprise that she actually went!