Friday, March 27, 2009

Twice a week Libby and I go to Gymboree. On Monday or Friday (which ever day Libby decides to get out of bed the earliest) we go for class. We call it Libby's "school". The first 10 minutes we sing songs and find out what we are going to learn about that day. The middle of the class time is playing/learning. It is really geared at her age group so it is fun. There are about 5 other kids in her class. The last 15 minutes we sing more, play with a parachute, catch bubbles, and Libby gets her body stamped! She comes home with about 8 clown stamps every week. The first couple of times Libby didn't really want anything to do with the learning section, she just wanted to run around and play, but now she knows what to expect and likes it more. On Thursdays we go to "open gym". There is no class, Libby just gets to run around and play. There are usually the same group of girls Libby age there every week so she is starting to warm up to them. Now if it would just warm up so we could start swimming again...

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