Mikey and Melissa are moving in on Friday. We have been slowly putting our stuff in storage (we have a lot of stuff!!). Now comes one big load with the bedroom furniture, clothes and lots of boxes. We sold most of our living room furniture and all of the appliances with the house so that makes it easier to move. I had to post a couple of cute pictures of Libby "helping" me pack. She likes to crawl into the cupboards now that they are mostly empty.
We are moving into an apartment until our NEW house is done in November. Another reason we sold most of our stuff-we don't have room for it right now. I am not "officially" moving to Omaha until May 31st. Libby and I will be staying at the other Marlow residence for a short time. The 30th is my last day at work and the day that "Sex and the City" the movie comes out so I will probably stay here to go see it with the girls. I am taking the rest of the summer off!! I am going to visit my dad, go to the College World Series, go to the cabins, go to Florida, take Libby swimming, watch Mike play softball, mostly do whatever I want and not worry about trying to do it all on the weekend.